
    Emergency grants, ThirdWave Foundation (12/1)
    DUE DATE:  not specified
    AMOUNT:  not specified
    PURPOSE:  Third Wave is offering emergency grants to young women-led
    groups who are organizing in response to the events following Sept.
    11.  We are offering funding for individuals, organizations, and
    coalitions not limited to but including those who are working within
    the anti-war movement, promoting racial justice, and providing
    support to the communities both directly and indirectly effected by
    the attacks.

    *Third Wave also offers scholarships to young women activists
    pursuing advanced education.  Due dates for these opportunities are
    Oct. 1 and April 1.

    CONTACT INFORMATION:  Contact third Wave if you are interested in
    this emergency funding.

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Yolanda R. Brown


Don't be a spectator in your own intellectual life!
                                                                        Thomas Jepsen

To decide to live at the level of choice is to take responsibility
and be in control of your life.                         Arbie M. Dale

“Self worth cannot be verified by others. You are a worthy person because
you say it is so. If you depend on others for your
  value it is other-worth.” Wayne Dyer-Your Erroneous Zones

Be prepared, curious and vigilant!                      Yolanda R. Brown

Be the change you wish to see in the world.      Mahatma Gandhi

Vision looks inward and becomes duty.
Vision looks outward and becomes aspiration.
Vision looks upward and becomes faith.          Author unknown

Conventional education makes independent thinking extremely difficult.
Conformity leads to mediocrity. To be different from the group or to resist
environment is not easy and is often risky as long as we worship success.
The urge to be successful, which is the pursuit of reward
whether in the material or in the so-called spiritual sphere, the search for
inward or outward security, the desire for comfort--this whole process
smothers discontent, puts an end to spontaneity and breeds fear; and fear
blocks the intelligent understanding of life.

                                                                        J. Krishnamurti
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