Hotep all,

The CBCL within the Office of Multicultural Student Enrichment is in the
process of planning its annual Hitimu Graduation Celebration.  Dr. Evans
has agreed to pay the $25 fee for up to ten graduate students who wish to
attend.  Therefore, the first ten graduate students who wish to
participate will have their fee covered by the Graduate School (brunch
fees for family and friends will not be covered).  To be one of the ten,
you must "e-mail" Andrea Bellinger ([log in to unmask]) in MSE and
request that you be put on her list.  Of course, those who don't get on
the list our welcome to attend, but you will be charged.  MSE will send
out a general letter sometime this week that spells out all of the
details of the event.  If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact Andrea (513-529-8357).  Take care & peace, Kamau.

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