You're on top of the stack of e-mail RSVPs!  Hotep.


> Kamautu,
> Please register me for the Jazz reception. You can put Carl Robinson on
> name tag.
> Thanks!
> At 02:53 PM 9/17/2004, you wrote:
> >Greetings all,
> >
> >This is a reminder to all of you that the GSCA's free annual jazz
> >is Friday, October 1st, from 7 PM to 12 AM in the Marcum Conference
> >Center.  Please return your RSVPs to Dr. Evans at the Graduate
School.  If
> >you didn't receive an invitation in the mail, then please RSVP with Dr.
> >Evans at [log in to unmask]  The deadline for RSVPs is
> >Sept.24th.  Remember, a light dinner buffet will be provided.  If you
> >questions/ concerns please contact Nicole Sherman or Dr. Evans at
> >529-4125.  Thanks.
> >
> >Kamautu

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