Need to know the function of "manifest" in the following sentence. Several arguments are ensuing here at our high school.
The word of the Lord was made manifest on earth.
Thanks for your input!
Gini Grossenbacher/English Department
Sheldon High School/Elk Grove CA
-------------- Original message --------------

> "Complement" is a more general term than what Michael needs to explain
> these examples. Complement slots are filled by many phrase types; the
> type of complement that occurs in a phrase is controlled by the phrase
> head -- in this case words like "happy". Verbs of different sorts admit
> different complements: noun phrases, adverb phrases, etc. But some
> verbs allow only certain complements: transitive verbs allow a
> direct-object noun phrase, while intransitives do not allow any
> noun-phrase complements (with certain exceptions -- verbs like "sing"
> and "dance" can take noun phrases as long as they name a song or
> dance).
> I agree that the "that" clauses in these cases are complements of the
> adjective, but I also agree that they are ! adverbial, because they
> answer the question "why", which is one of the "symptoms" of the
> adverbial function. Adjectives admit prepositional-phrase complements,
> as in "proud of the new baby", and the "that" clauses discussed in
> Michael's examples (adverbial clauses functioning as complement of the
> adjective). Off the top of my head, I don't know whether they allow any
> other types.
> Dr. Johanna Rubba, Associate Professor, Linguistics
> Linguistics Minor Advisor
> English Department
> California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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> Tel.: 805.756.2184
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