The most powerful medicines for you!

Spermamax - $40.5 - SPERMAMAX is a scientifically validated herbal nutritional blend to enhance fertility by improving sperm quality, count and motility (spontaneous motion). 

Diflucan - $2.64 - a tablet taken orally to treat vaginal yeast infections caused by the yeast Candida. 

Nexium - $3.02 - works by decreasing the acid produced by acid pumps. NEXIUM deactivates some of the pumps to keep acid production under control. By reducing acid production in the stomach, NEXIUM reduces the amount of acid backing up into the esophagus and causing reflux symptoms. 

Human Growth Hormone - $43.37 - increases your metabolism helping to break down fat, build proteins, and create lean muscle. 

Cloalis Soft Tabs - $5.78 - Just like regular Clualis but specially formulated, these pills are soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The effect of this is more direct absorption into the bloodstream, rather than through the stomach. Result – a powerful, lasting effect of up to 36 hours. 

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