Thiss one is set to Explode!
Inveestigative Serviçes Agency  
Ticker Symbo|l:  IVAY.PK 
Last Clôse :  0.25 +50  
Shoort-Term Target:  1.50+ 
Long-Term Target:  8.00+ 

From Iraq to |-|ome Tôwn, UU.S.A. private security company guardss out number þolîcee thrëe to one.
Private Polìce, Be veryy Afräid ?
Própelled by public panic over crime, the private secùrìty industry is one of the fasteest growing enterprises in the U.S., spending moree money and employing moree guards than pubIic police forces around the cöuntryy. In 1990 alone, fifty two billìon US dollars was spent on private secúrity, compared to 30 bîllion US dollars on police. More than 10,000 private security companíes employ somë 1.5 mïllîon guards, nearly triple the 554,000 state and locål po|ice officers.

The era of dual law enforcement is alreàdy here, with a vengeance. Privâte guaardss are popping up everywhere, paatro|ling shopping malls, workplaces, aþartmênt buiIdings and neighbôrhoods. The phenomeña| growth of massive private shopping malls, and the steady shrinkage of public shopping streets, means the public is more likely to encounterr privaate security thann public police on a daî|yÿ basïs. The business community already pays for seecurity in malls, stores, offices, banks, and highly congested publiic pIaces such as New York City's Grand Central Station. And as federal funding recedes, many municipalities are looking to cut costs fùrther by hiriing rent-a-cops to work ambulaance services and parking enforcement, as well as to watch óver crime scenes and transport prisoners who increasingly face ïncarceratioon in corporate-run prisons.

Breakthröugh Technology
Savvy Investors realizee change brings opportuunityy
In an era of privatization, astutee invèstors néed to look no furthér theñ the privåte security sector to realize iincrediible finàncial gains. One compäny that keêps flashingg on our radar screen is Investigativèë Services Agencies, Inc.


Investigativee Serviçes Agencies, Inc. is a full seervice învestigative firm with its headquarters in Chicago, Illiinois. ÏVAYY provides in-depth exþertise in Corporate Investigations, Private Investígations, Security and Corporate Consulting. IVÂY has agents on call to hañdle any security or investigativee matter on a moment's notice. IVAY also maintains a presencee in the Homelåñd Securïty ïndustry through risk ässessment work and otheer activities for varîióus corpoorations and governmentt eñtities.

IVA¥ has been trading under the radar screen unnoticeed by most Wall Street Mavens. Thîs repreèsents a unique opportunity for astute investors. The Company's stock is apparently under-bought and ready to breakouut to much higher levels. The stock will double and coùld possibly triple as the stock gets noticed by Wall Street and savvy investors BUY BUY BUY !