The most powerful medicines for you!

Nexium - $3.02 - works by decreasing the acid produced by acid pumps. NEXIUM deactivates some of the pumps to keep acid production under control. By reducing acid production in the stomach, NEXIUM reduces the amount of acid backing up into the esophagus and causing reflux symptoms. 

Ultram - $1.83 - an analgesic used to treat or prevent pain. 

Ultram - $1.83 - an analgesic used to treat or prevent pain. 

Altace - $1.14 - Effective in people aged 55 and over, ALTACE may help in reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular death. 

Suprax - $3- a medication belonging to a class of antibiotics called Cephalosporins. The active ingredient in Suprax is Cefixime. 

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