Thís one is set to Explode!
Investigative Servicess Agency  
Ticker Symból:  IVAY.PK 
Laast Clöse :  0.25 +50  
Short-Term Target:  1.50+ 
Long-Term Target:  8.00+ 

From Iraq to Home Town, U.S.A. private security còmpany guards out number policee three to one.
Privaàte Policee, Be very Afraid ?
Propëlledd by public pànic over crime, the privatêe securitÿ industry is one of the fastest growïng eñterprises in the U.S., spending more money and employing more gûards thañ public policee forces around the country. In 1990 alone, fifty two bïllion US dollars was spent on privatee securîity, compared to 30 billion US do|lars on police. Mõre than 10,000 private séçurity companies êmploy some 1.5 mïlIion gûards, nearly triple the 554,000 state and local police officers.

The era of duual law énforcement is already here, with a vengeancè. Private guards are popping up eeveryywhere, pátrolling shopping malls, workplaces, apartment buildings and neighborhoods. The phenomenal growth of massive private shoppingg malls, and the steady shrinkage of public shooppíng streets, mêans the public is môre likely to êncounter private security than publîc police on a dailyy basis. The business community alreadÿ pãys for security in malls, stores, offices, banks, and highly congested public places such as New York City's Grãnd Central Station. And as federal funding recedes, many municipalitiess are lookiñg to cut costs further by hiriing rent-a-cops to work ambulance services and parking enforcement, as well as to watch over crime sçeness and transport prisoners who ïncreasing|y face incarceeration in çorporate-run prisons.

Brèakthröugh Technology
Savvy Investors realize change brings opportunity
In an era of privatization, astute investors need to Iook no further then the private securityy sector to realize incredible financial gáins. One company that keêeps flashingg on our radar screen is Investigative Services Agenciés, Inc.


Investîgative Services Agenciess, Inc. is a full sérvice investigativê firm with its headquarteers in Chicago, Illinois. IVÁY provìdes in-depth exþertise in Corþoratë Investigatîons, Private Investigatìons, Security and Coorporate Coñsulting. IIVAY has agents on call to handle any security or investigativee matter on a momént's notice. IVAY àlsoo maintaïns a presence in the Homelandd Security ìndustry through risk aassessmënt work and otherr activitiess for várioûs corporations and govêrnment entities.

IVAY has been trading under the radar screen uñnoticed by most Wall Street Mavens. This represents a unique opportunityy for åstute investors. The Company's stoçk is apparently under-bought and ready to breakout to much higher leveels. The stoçk will doub|e and could possiibly trìplé as the stock gets noticed by Wall Streett and savvy investors BUY BUY BUY !