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If Rdenrundt wasnt going to talk aboutAngelina,I certainly couldnt bring up the topic. I told him I knew nothing. He raised his eyebrows, but didnt ask any questions. You cant outmove a computer-robot combination, not when they move and react in micro-secondsbut you can outthink them. Watching Angelady at work was a distinct pleasure, and if you stood my back to the wall and made me swear, I would be forced to admit that I learned a thing or two from her. The only city on Freibur with a ground-controlled spaceport was at Freiburbad, which was situated on the shore of an immense lake, the only sizeable body of fresh water on the planet. I flipped a coin to decide, and of course won since I had palmed the coin before the toss. Get her away from here and turn her over to the Corps.