The most powerful medicines for you!

Ginseng - $35.99 - used to improve the body's resistance to stress and to increase vitality. 

Pheromone cologne for men - $35.99 - The human pheromones that attracts females has finally been recreated in the laboratory! Naturally found in minute amounts in the perspiration of men, these natural pheromones are an evolutionary remnant from a time when human females relied on scent to locate male mates. 

Soothenol - $1.08 - safe and soothing formula is intended to ease the symptoms of PMS. 

Diflucan - $2.64 - a tablet taken orally to treat vaginal yeast infections caused by the yeast Candida. 

Suprax - $3- a medication belonging to a class of antibiotics called Cephalosporins. The active ingredient in Suprax is Cefixime. 

and more!

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