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I hadnt killed more thanthat kind of violence was rarely necessary in my type of operationsurely no more than… none?Well, wellold chicken-hearted revealed at last. There would be plenty of talk about me in the morning and I hoped some of it would trickle down to Angelinas ears, wherever she was hiding. Yet if you could change a bodycouldnt you change a mind? Could something be done for her?The very pressure and magnitude of my thoughts drove me out of the small room and into the air. I swallowed a painkiller and looked around at my drooping, sack-eyed assistants who had shared the sleepless seventy-two hour task. Not between us at least. I will not commit suicide voluntarily, I said harshly to break the spell of agreement. In other words it is an efficient and fast working lie detector. I let myself be pushed down easily, since my chest was drenched in pain whenever I moved.