In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] writes:
>> In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Dennis S. Keeler) writes:
>>>         I suggest against using this command until we can answer the
>>> question (i.e. once I delete a newsgroup from my NEWSRC, how can I keep it
>>> being added again). I tried out FASTLOAD, which I assume did delete most of
>>> NEWSRC (didn't actually check). When re-entering news, however, all the
>>> newsgroups were re-added. I had to wait for 1000+ newsgroups to scroll past
>>> it said, "New newsgroup, not registered: blah.blah.blah" (Kent, don't think
>>> this is an attack on your advice. You made it very clear that FASTLOAD was
>>> unsupported. I thank you for giving us this "extra" information.)
>   When I first entered news after using fastload, it did the same thing,
> loading all 1000+ into a file called SYS.; leaving only my registered groups
> in the NEWSRC.  Now, news loads up MUCH faster, without any problems, and all
> new newsgroups are placed in the SYS file.
        You are absolutely right. When the big list appeared the first time I
entered news, I just assumed it would happen every time. Thanks for the tips
Brian and Kent. Entering news is much faster now.
Dennis S. Keeler                |  "Greater love has no one than this, that
Miami University                |    he lay down his life for his friends."
[log in to unmask]  |                       -John 15:13, NIV