In article <[log in to unmask]>, Eric Long <[log in to unmask]>
> Hello All.
>     On the VAXen, I have a file with the extension ".z".   I tried to
> UNCOMPRESS it but I got an error that it was not in that format.  (yes, I
> renamed it to FILE.Z_Z)
>     While I am at it, I have another file with the extension ".gz".
> Aren't archived files fun??!  :)
Well, wait for this explanation before you decide whether or not it's fun :)
The .gz is a GZIP file.  GZIP is a relatively new archive program that's
been circulating around.  I don't remember where I picked it up now, but
I've only actually used it once.  I haven't checked the MCUG library in
a long time, but it may be available there now.
That's not the hard part, though.  Are you sure the other file is .z and
not .Z?  Notice the capitalization.  Compressed files are normally .Z and
.z may or may not be GZIPped.  On the other hand, the .z may or may not
be a compressed file.  You have no way of knowing unless:  1)  someone tells
you or 2)  you try it and it doesn't work.
Of course, the .z may be a legit compressed file, but you forgot to do a
binary transfer :(
#ifdef SIG
I don't hate Windows.  It runs great under OS/2!