In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Kent Covert) writes:
> In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] writes:
>> I haven't been able to get ZModem transfers to work with OCEAN.  Is it an
>> connection?  Do I need to use something other than the SZ/RZ that's in
>> user_lib:[mcug.apps.zmodem]?  (The executables load correctly, but don't
>> initiate the transfer like they should...they just hang until I send a ^X to
>> cancel the transfer.)  As always, thanks in advance...
> I'm going to have to refer this question to someone else to answer, but I
> may be able to shed some light on the matter.  The OCEAN choice on the
> Gandalf is IDENTICAL to the V1 choice on the Gandalf (except that it
> connects to a different host).  Both are telnet connections.
That explains all of the errors I was receiving, then, also.  Zmodem only
works on MIAVX1.
Drivel of the year:
"...DOS is utterly unable to handle more than 1MB of memory.  Removing
this limitation from DOS would result in something that just _isn't_
DOS any more--it wouldn't run existing DOS programs." -PC Mag, Nov 23,
---> OS/2? - what DOS could have been and would like to be.