In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Norman Sippel) writes:
> I have heard from my friends that there is a MCUG_LOGIN program
> available with the commands for ZMODEM.  Can anyone please direct me
> on how to get this  I posted a request on one of the MCUG groups
> awhile back, but no one answered.
From the VMS prompt, type:
Then, type:
for more info.  There is an example in the help section.  I
did a screen shot of it, editted out the spaces, and created my
from that example., BTW, acts like AUTOEXEC.BAT does for
MSDOS in that it executes every time you log on (be advised that this
means interactive, batch, network, and any other mode I have forgotten).
Drivel of the year:
"...DOS is utterly unable to handle more than 1MB of memory.  Removing
this limitation from DOS would result in something that just _isn't_
DOS any more--it wouldn't run existing DOS programs." -PC Mag, Nov 23
---> OS/2? - what DOS could have been and would like to be.