In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Kent Covert) writes:
> ZIP,UNZIP - These commands compress or expand ZIP files.  This was formally
>     available only through the MCUG libraries.
Not only that, but the MCUG versions were obviously compiled on the older
system.  I do know that I can override definitions by
$ ZIP:=xxx$xxx[]ZIP.EXE
however, I do not know where the commands are in order to override the
MCUG library.  Does anyone know if the MCUG login is going to be
updated any time in the near future?
While we are on the subject of ZIP, is ZIPINFO also supported?
Drivel of the year:
"...DOS is utterly unable to handle more than 1MB of memory.  Removing
this limitation from DOS would result in something that just _isn't_
DOS any more--it wouldn't run existing DOS programs." -PC Mag, Nov 23
---> OS/2? - what DOS could have been and would like to be.