In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Dennis S. Keeler) writes:
> In article <[log in to unmask]>, Joe Simpson
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>> I'm sorry you were inconvenienced.
>> Joe Simpson
>         I hope my first message didn't sound like a complaint. I am glad that
> Miami is upgrading their modems, computers, etc. Just wanted to let the net
> know that I wasn't slamming on the service.
>         Thanks for all the advice.
I'm glad Miami is upgrading their modems also, but I've been having zmodem
troubles myself.  I finally figured out what was going on through "the
grapevine."  It would be more beneficial to all concerned if these
topics were posted in news and by other more official means, rather than
relying on information to flow through unofficial channels.
Thanks for posting the Hayes commands, Joe.  Those don't exactly
match my modem manual, but may solve my problems entirely.  Of course,
hayes-compatibility varies from modem to modem.
What about RTS signalling?  Is that supported, or should I leave it
Drivel of the year:
"...DOS is utterly unable to handle more than 1MB of memory.  Removing
this limitation from DOS would result in something that just _isn't_
DOS any more--it wouldn't run existing DOS programs." -PC Mag, Nov 23
---> Can you say "OS/2?"  I knew you could!