In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Kent Covert) writes:
> In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Norman Sippel) writes:
>> I turned my set term seven bit off so I can
>> start using ZModem on the MIAVX!.
>> How do I set my editor to the edt editor everytime since I
>> now have it available to my account, please?
> In NEWS, issue the command SET PROFILE/EDITOR=EDT.
I'm a little confused here.  I thought SET TERM/NOEIGHT only affected the
editor(s) and other programs that send output to the display device.
I was using ZModem with no problems previously with that setting.  Now, it
may just be coincidence, but ever since the new modems were installed, I've
had countless errors with ZModem.  At first, I thought it was just me because
I did a reinstall onto a new hard drive, but others have apparently had
problems as well.
At any rate, on MIAVX1, about the only thing that is older than Kermit is
ZModem.  On OCEAN, however, we finally get C-Kermit.  The first time I
tried it, without any parameters, I was pretty impressed.  Last night, I
SET SEND PACKET-LENGTH 1024 {notice the dash, unlike the underscore in
the older Kermit}.  Then, SET BLOCK 2.  I honestly could not tell the
difference in speed between it and what ZModem used to do for me.  I
wish I could get ZModem working again just to time the difference, but I
really think it's about the same (at least, in human terms).  I can now
see why there are some loyal Kermit fans out in net-land.
Anyways, Norman, you may want to give the C-Kermit a chance, esp. if you
have problems with the ZModem.
Drivel of the year:
"...DOS is utterly unable to handle more than 1MB of memory.  Removing
this limitation from DOS would result in something that just _isn't_
DOS any more--it wouldn't run existing DOS programs." -PC Mag, Nov 23,
---> OS/2? - what DOS could have been and would like to be.