The new MCIS course, Using ListServ (LSV100), is now rescheduled for
the following dates in Room 2a, Hughes:
               Friday, March 4th, 2-4 p.m.   (section D)
             Thursday, March 10th, 9-11 a.m. (section E)
The presentation is designed to be platform independent. Preference
is given to faculty, staff and graduate students. However, the room
seats 18 people easily.
For further information please refer to the spring MCIS Computer
Course Schedule, page 47, or contact the Help Desk at extention 7900.
Please register with the Help Desk if you plan to attend. Staff rely on
the number of registrants to plan for supplies and additional helpers!
  Lisa Ehrichs                           Voice:     (513)529-6231
  Miami Computing & Information Services
  22 Hughes Labs
  Miami University         Bitnet:    [log in to unmask]
  Oxford, OH 45056         Internet:  [log in to unmask]