[log in to unmask] wrote:
: Hello all,
:         I would like to report a problem using compress/purge in mail from
: Ocean.  When you try to do this (don't try it!) you get the following
: messages:
: %TIE-F-EXCPC2VAX, Native Exception PC (012c4cc4) replaced with VAX PC
:  (00000001) by condition handler 00A3E6C4.
This is part of the continuing problem with PMDF Mail on OCEAN.  If you use
the VAX, you won't run into this problem.  Kent has said the updated version
of PMDF mail that fixes this problem is coming soon...
: This gives rise to a second problem:  how can I remove the *compress.tmp
: file?
You should just be able to remove it.  If you can't, log out, log in, and try
removing it again.
Peter Murray, Library Systems Manager        [log in to unmask]
King Library Technical Support                      [log in to unmask]
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio                              W:513/529-2884