In article <1994Mar15.081508.23377@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
> When I read new items in a newsgroup, exit NEWS and then re-enter, that
> newsgroup will not show any items or allow access to any items above
> the first unread item.  If all items have been read then that newsgroup is
> shown to be empty - even though there is a number of items shown to be
> accessible when in my registered directory.
>    Something like this happened occasionally after the new NEWS software was
> installed on OCEAN but it was only with a few newsgroups and the newsgroups
> always seemed to recover later.
> Dennis
        I have had the same problem when reading news on Ocean...
Take it easy,
Steve Harry
| [log in to unmask]   |
| [log in to unmask]   |
| send to either, it doesn't matter |