In article <1994Mar11.124253.23301@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Kent Covert) writes:
> Just an update on the problems with NEWS...
> Here's what we've found so far:
> 1)  The upgrade to NEWS seemed to fix the problems we were originally
> having with the NEWS.  These problems would cause the system to add the
> header of a news message, but not the text of the message.  The system
> would get the error "Out of Core".  User's would then see the error "Cannot
> access item text" on those messages.
> 2)  We again had problems on 3/10/94 (after the upgrade).  These were
> tracked down to a cache problem that made this system think it had more
> disk space then was really available.  Therefore, the system was running
> out of disk space when trying to add messages.
Both of these problems appear to be fixed.
> 3)  The new version of NEWS, has a problem with the partial messages that
> were created by problems #1 and #2.  These problems, which only affect
> OCEAN, are characterized by the message "SMG-F-INVCOL, invalid column" and
> then NEWS exits.  We are working with DEC to try to correct this problem.
This should now be fixed.  The problem was caused by a vital routine not
being called before the system redisplayed the screen.  If you want to see
this for yourself, try to view item 439 in mu.for-sale.  This message would
cause NEWS to exit with the "SMG-F-INVCOL, invalid column" error.  You can
now safely view this message, although there is no textual portion of the
Another problem has appeared, though.  Occasionally, the system will issue
a SET PROFILE/DISPLAY=UNSEENSTACK command for no apparent reason.  What
this does is to display only unread items.  This problem can be repaired by
issuing the command SET PROFILE/DISPLAY=ALLITEMS.  We are looking into the
cause of the problem.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)