In article <1994Mar13.144508.23345@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
> Hello all,
>         I would like to report a problem using compress/purge in mail from
> Ocean.  When you try to do this (don't try it!) you get the following
> messages:
> %TIE-F-EXCPC2VAX, Native Exception PC (012c4cc4) replaced with VAX PC
>  (00000001) by condition handler 00A3E6C4.
> This gives rise to a second problem:  how can I remove the *compress.tmp
> file?
>                                 Bill Turner
        The problem is that you don't have delete priveleges for this file.
Issue the command SET PROTECTION=OWNER:D filename. You can then delete the
Dennis S. Keeler                |  "Greater love has no one than this, that
Miami University                |    he lay down his life for his friends."
[log in to unmask]  |                       -John 15:13, NIV