In article <1994Apr26.162832.24884@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(P7A77 (aka Steamed Rhubarb Fondue)) writes:> Okay.. the other day, my NEWSRC
(or whatever it is) file was AGAIN screwy..
> this is TWICE now that I've had to delete it and just start over... why is
> happening?
It has happened to me about 5 times.  For several days, News works fine, then
all of a sudden, it crashes in the loading process.  Then I have to delete my
newsrc.;1 file and start over.  This may be a common bug...:(
"Even in the future, nothing works!"    Norman G. Sippel
 -- Dark Helmet, "SpaceBalls"           [log in to unmask]
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