In article <1994Jul5.175044.26806@miavx1>,
[log in to unmask] (Kent Covert) wrote (in part):
>                                     Three months ago, this was not
> possible (actually, it had never been configured).  We played around with
> the configuration, got it to work, and then had to decide if we wanted to
> support this.  I'm not sure if we currently consider this an experimental
> service or a production service at this point (My guess is that it is still
> experimental and is subject to change in the future...kinda like PINE).
Kent's guess is right:  the ability to publish World Wide Web home pages from
individual accounts on MiaVX1 is experimental at this point, much like Pine,
in that it's there but we don't have sufficient staffing to offer formal
support for it.
                          John B Harlan
         Campus Wide Information System (CWIS) Coordinator
                    Miami University (Ohio USA)
                    [log in to unmask]