Kent Covert ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: In article <1994Jun27.010129.26588@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Svidrigailov) writes:
: >         Is arhcie going to be ported to the "new vax" a.k.a. OCEAN?
: The archie client on the old system was provided as part of the MCUG
: libraries.  I'm not sure what the current state of porting it to the Alpha
: are.  (Mike, can you give us an update?)
Archie has now been ported to the Alpha and placed back in the MCUG
Libraries.  It works the same as it did on the old VAX.  Email MCUG_MGR
if you have difficulties or problems using it.
Note:  Archie is currently pointing  At the time I
ported the archie client, this seemed to be the quickest response site.
However, different sites can return different results so you may want to
try another site (using -h) if your first archie search fails.  There is
a current lists of sites available that can be viewed by typing:
        archie -"L"
The quotes are necessary.
Note2:  I was playing with the PIPE command to experiment with piping the
results to a file and found it to give inconsistant results, so I recommend
not using PIPE with archie.  If you want to save the results in a file, I
recommend following this example:
The file results.txt will then contain your output.  (replace LINUX with
whatever your searching for).  If you have trouble with the above, email
me.  (P.S.  The DEASSIGN command is very important!  Don't forget it!)
Mike Jones
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