In article <1994Jul2.192010.26751@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
> I have a quick question:
> How do I allow users to retrieve a particular file from my account while they
> are using my WWW Home Page? Wouldn't the command syntax within the HTML doc
> read something to this affect:
> <A HREF=file://> Click here
> </A>
> For some reason, it says enter filename to save, and then doesn't proceed to
> send it. Any suggestions??
> Thx,
>    Todd
> ----
> [log in to unmask]
> WWW Home Page
Ektually, Mr. Abbott, you've got a fatal problem in the structure of your URL.
It SHOULD probably read like this:  Note that it's
bte.tdabbot not bte/tdabbott.  It should be the other way, but ahh, fickle VMS,
we love it so.
And how's come when I posted about WWW pages on MIAVX1 'bout three months ago I
was told it wasn't possible for individuals to create them?  I am disproven,
happily so, but still... was it possible all along and the bureaucracy was just
lying to me?  That sure would reinforce my paranoia.
If *anyone* is reading this and wants to know how to create their own WWW
pages, PLEASE don't hesitate to drop me a line!  I'm trying to encourage the
festering of little independent pages.
happy days are here again,