In article <1994Aug16.130340.28124@miavx1>, I wrote (in part):
> You need to create a WWW subdirectory off your root directory on MiaVX1.
> You need to give the world read+execute privilege to the WWW subdirectory.
> The files in that directory may also require explicit world read+execute
> privilege.
Let me back up, and take a running start at this :-)
Log in to your MiaVX1 account.
1)  Enter your root directory by typing
         CD \
    Note:  You can confirm you are in your root directory by typing
                SHOW DEFAULT
           which should return
           where <dir> is an alphabetic directory name without the <>
           bracket signs and <userid> is your userid without the <>
           bracket signs.  If there is a period (.) and something else
           following your userid, you are still in a subdirectory.
           Try entering the CD \ command again.
2)  Type
         SET FILE /PROT=(W) *.*;*
3)  Type
         SET FILE /PROT=(W:E) [-]<userid>.DIR
    where <userid> is your userid without the <> bracket signs
4)  Type
5)  Enter your WWW subdirectory by typing
         CD WWW
6)  For each file you wish to make accessible to World Wide Web, type
         SET FILE /PROT=(W:RE) <filename.extension>;*
    where <filename.extension>;* is the actual name and extension of
    the file to which you wish to provide access.
This part still holds:
> The URL would look like this:
> where ~ is the actual tilde sign, <userid> is your userid on MiaVX1 *without*
> the <> brackets, and <file.spec> is the actual name of the file in your WWW
> subdirectory to wish you wish to link, again without the <> brackets.
Many thanks to Kent Covert for helping clarify the safe way to do the file
permissions;  if I've messed them up, it's my fault, not his.
                          John B Harlan
        Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) Coordinator
                    Miami University (Ohio USA)
                    [log in to unmask]