In article <1994Aug16.151411.28129@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(John B Harlan) writes:
> (useful directions deleted)
I also had to add one more step, and that was to add world read and execute
privs to my sys$login directory.
$ set def sys$login
$ cd ..
$ set prot = (world:re) rskaelber.dir
                        ^^^^^^^^^ replace this with your userid
And I was in business! Just remember, if you have any things in your sys$login
directory you would regard as private, be sure to revoke all world permissions
to them, otherwise anyone who is on the vax could look into these files.
"I'm old enough not to care too much  |   Randy Kaelber (H.R.H. King Lerxst II)
 about what you think of me, but I'm  |   Systems Analysis/Psychology
 young enough to remember the future, |   Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
 the way things ought to be." -- "Cut to the Chase"