> :Do you have a similar solution for an Amiga user who has no intention of
> :getting a PC in the next decade or so?
> Sure, buy a Mac instead :)  Who says that PC's are the only alternative?
Don't make me gag!! 8-) I use Macs when forced, but will choose a PC over a Mac
anyday. Of course, Amigas suit all of my home computing needs, so *that* is why
I'll never need a PC.
> Seriously, though, if the Amiga C-Kermit is outdated (like a lot of other
> platforms are), then you _could_ get the source code from the same site and
Well, XPR libraries are available with up-to-date Kermit code -- I just don't
use a terminal program capable of utilizing those libraries. When I buy my next
(even more powerful) Amiga, I'll upgrade terminal software. In the meantime,
I'll tweak with the (barely) working serial lines to get some kind of
performance out of them.
James McCutcheon --- JRMCCUTCHEON@MIAVX1
 "People in glass houses might as well
  answer their doors." - Solomon Short