In article <1994Aug29.181256.28540@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Clayton L. Hines) writes:
> Why is it that for the last two weeks or so, when I dial in to the mainframe
> and choose MIAVX1 at the Gandalf data switch, it tells me:
> SERVICE DISABLED  - This service is temporarily unavailalbe.
> Please use class v1.
> This precludes the use of 8-bit word length, and I am unable to transfer any
> files from the VAX to my PC, unless I want to use (gulp) Kermit.  Will the
> 8-bit connection be available any time soon?
I'm pleased to announce that the MIAVX1 service should now be back in
service.  There are currently 7 ports allocated to MIAVX1.  MCIS apologizes
for the delay in returning this service.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)