This is really odd.  I just got the newest version of
LiveWire, and it is supposed to fix a VT-100 emulation
problem by using VT-102 emulation.  The problem is
SET TERM/INQUIRE or something in the MCUG library
apparently.  As soon as I hit that spot in the LOGIN.COM,
all screen scrolling stops at the bottom of the screen;
that is, the letters display, but the previous lines do
not shift upwards.
Now, here's the wierd part.  I thought previously the
problem was fixed by doing SET TERM/DEVICE=VT102, since
it was working correctly.  Well, I logged off, etc.,
logged back on and typed SET TERM/DEVICE=VT102 and the
problem continued.  Well, as before, I assumed that I
had typed it wrong, so I went into HELP.  After I got
out of help, I typed SHOW TERM.  It went to the bottom
of the screen, but now the previous lines moved upwards!
In short, it was not SET TERM that fixed it previously,
but HELP!  What screen codes are being sent by HELP that
could be fixing this?  I'd like to know, so that I can
email the author with this info, since the program is
apparantly looking for this code when the Alpha is not
sending it (or, maybe it is supposed to be sending it?).
As a followup, it also works if you invoke the TPU editor,
therefore, it has something to do with fullscreen programs.
May the OS/2 be with you.