[log in to unmask] wrote:
: impossible for him to use the enduser. Esc. combined with function keys
: doesn't work and neither does his numeric pad. Typing commands works in
  If you use the ESC method, make sure you type ESC and then the number
of the function key, no the function key itself.  For example, ESC 1
is equivalent to PF1.  The clear key, in this case is equivalent to
ESC . , that is ESC (period).
  One other thing, for questions regarding the IBM Mainframe (VM), use
the newsgroup mu.vm.  Mu.vms is for VMS (the Alpha, or as some people
still call it, the "VAX").
Michael G. Jones <Finger Me for PGP Key>  Miami University, Oxford, OH
[log in to unmask]  http://nextsrv.cas.muohio.edu/~mgjones