In article <1994Nov4.121629.33105@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
>         The previous post was, of course, asking for any assistance from
> who knew how I can over come these problems.  Thanks
> Dennis
It sounds to me like your disk space is full. Delete files you're not using,
delete old mail messages, and do a COMPRESS when you're in e-mail.
Note: the DELETE command needs you specify the verion number (or the wildcard
*) when you delete.
Example: to delete all files with the TXT extension:
    DELETE *.TXT.*
Also, try the PURGE command. This deletes all older versions of files, leaving
you only the most current version.
Covservative: A person who wishes to  |   Randy Kaelber (H.R.H. King Lerxst II)
keep the current evils, as opposed to |   Systems Analysis/Psychology
a Liberal who wishes to trade for new |   Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
ones. (Apologies to Ambrose Bierce)