In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (March Hare) writes:
> In article <1994Nov4.131046.33113@miavx1>,
> [log in to unmask] (Joel Hyatt) wrote:
> :
> :Example: to delete all files with the TXT extension:
> :
> :    DELETE *.TXT.*
> :
> Try DELETE *.TXT;*  with a semicolon.  To just delete the latest
> version, you can do DELETE *.TXT;
> Sorry to nitpick, but someone might read the above and wonder
> why it doesn't work.
Ah! Try what I did sometime... you will find that in fact it DOES work....
> John
> ----
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Covservative: A person who wishes to  |   Randy Kaelber (H.R.H. King Lerxst II)
keep the current evils, as opposed to |   Systems Analysis/Psychology
a Liberal who wishes to trade for new |   Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
ones. (Apologies to Ambrose Bierce)