Try compressing the mail file--that helped someone else.
type mail at the $ prompt and compress at the mail prompt. Then go to the mail
directory and delete the mail.old file. This sometimes helps.
Of course, pine has a monthly problem (no pms--pine mailer syndrome
jokes--please) when it asks if you want to move folders and it dumps. Just say
no and it seems to avoid it.
As for register dumps, the last pine dump i've had was on phoenix and the dump
I had b/4 that was in news on the VAX, so I don't consider pine that buggy
anymore :)
In article <1994Oct31.215702.32759@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
>         One of my friends STRETMRD@Miavx1 has been having some major problems
> with his VMS account.  He's been using Pine, and has gotten accustomed to the
> continuous register dumps as disk space runs low.  But, recently, he's been
> getting them for no reason, that I can find.  He has about 8k of saved mail
> files, and a 20 line addressbook.  Other than that, the account is bare.
> Neither Mail or Pine will allow him to send messages, and recently he has not
> been recieving any mail from the listservers he usually expects 10-12
> a day from.  Any suggestions?  I applologize for the inacuracy of the 'error
> messages' but I'll try to find specifics if nesecary.
>     "The only fate worse than death is living with a closed mind."
>                 [log in to unmask]
>                    [log in to unmask]
>                 [log in to unmask]
>                      [log in to unmask]