In article <1994Nov16.081147.34041@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Kent Covert) writes:
> CPU:                            One DECchip 21064 / 190 Mhz
> Anything else that I've forgotten?
Yeah. Is there a sign on the thing that says "Warning to persons with
pacemakers: High Speed CPU in use"? :) Wow. Just to ask a hypothetical
question: If I were to win Lotto, or find out I'm a long lost Rockefeller or
something, how much would an identically configured system cost me?
Conservative: A person who wishes to  |   Randy Kaelber (H.R.H. King Lerxst II)
keep the current evils, as opposed to |   Systems Analysis/Psychology
a Liberal who wishes to trade for new |   Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
ones. (Apologies to Ambrose Bierce)