If you like Ren and Stimpy, Spumco Inc., Billy West, or John Kricfalusi,
please try out the new newsgroup alt.animation.spumco.
I've been pushing for it about two or three weeks now, and the new
newsgroup message has just been sent.  John Harlan has been notified
of its arrival, and hopefully soon, we Spumco fans can talk to John
Kricfalusi through email all the time! =)
Miami is currently the home of myself, the keeper of the Ren and Stimpy
documents (FAQ, Episode Guide, and Encyclopedia).  If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to email me.  Thanks.
                  Norman G. Sippel  [log in to unmask]
 Disclaimer: I do NOT work for Spumco and speak for myself.  All opinions
 are mine, you seeck leeetle monkeey! =)  Now onto more Spumco Madness!!!