In article <1995Jan10.012913.36696@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(The user from HELL!) writes:
> Hey all,
>         Can anybody tell me the proper settings for Kermit so that I can get
> more than 160cps when on a 14.4 modem?  I know I have to monkey with the
> size, but I can't remember how to do it.  Any advise would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance.
Easy! Switch to Zmodem! :) This may have been rehashed before, and I know Miami
doesn't officially "support" Zmodem (we have to pander to the lowest common
denominator, after all), but am I the only one who is having a problem with
Zmodem getting a time out and then getting a message "Device Offline or not in
configuration" message? At that point I'm locked up completely and have to hang
up and dial back in. Thank God that Zmodem has resume features! :) I have found
that by doing
reduces the problem, but it still occurs now and then (avg ~= once per 500K
Randy Kaelber, Subsistence Programmer.
Owner, Mercury and Earth (except one East Hemisphere nation to be named later)
My .sig automatically terminates threads because it mentions Nazis and Hitler.
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