In article <1995Jan10.130549.36734@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Aaron Porter) writes:
> Randy 'Lerxst' Kaelber ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
> <deleted to save you, the customer, time in our check-out lanes -RK>
>       You are connecting N81 and not N71, right?
Yessir, I am. Every now and then I forget and use my 7E1 settings and the
results are pretty ugly.
There is no problem with stuff once I get it downloaded. It just takes a few
sessions to do so becuase I get the error and it locks up my account. For the
record, I am also using the direct MIAVX1 line when I do downloads instead of
V1 to get the 7-bit telnet connection. Everything I do is SUPPOSED to be the
'right way' of doing it. When I connect, I connect at 14,400 and the modems
negotiate error control and compression to 57,600. Could this be my problem?
Should I turn off all the 'extras' on the modem?
Randy Kaelber, Subsistence Programmer.
Owner, Mercury and Earth (except one East Hemisphere nation to be named later)
My .sig automatically terminates threads because it mentions Nazis and Hitler.
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