In article <1995Jan10.143228.36745@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Randy 'Lerxst' Kaelber) writes:
> In article <1995Jan10.130549.36734@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
> (Aaron Porter) writes:
>> Randy 'Lerxst' Kaelber ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>> <deleted to save you, the customer, time in our check-out lanes -RK>
>>      You are connecting N81 and not N71, right?
> Yessir, I am. Every now and then I forget and use my 7E1 settings and the
> results are pretty ugly.
> There is no problem with stuff once I get it downloaded. It just takes a few
> sessions to do so becuase I get the error and it locks up my account. For the
> record, I am also using the direct MIAVX1 line when I do downloads instead of
> V1 to get the 7-bit telnet connection. Everything I do is SUPPOSED to be the
> 'right way' of doing it. When I connect, I connect at 14,400 and the modems
> negotiate error control and compression to 57,600. Could this be my problem?
> Should I turn off all the 'extras' on the modem?
> --
> Randy Kaelber, Subsistence Programmer.
> Owner, Mercury and Earth (except one East Hemisphere nation to be named
> My .sig automatically terminates threads because it mentions Nazis and
> GCS/MU d-- H s:+:++ g+++ p0 au? a- w+++ v++ C+++$ U->++++ P+ L 3 N+++ K++
> W++(---) M-- V -po+ Y+ t+ 5+ !j R++ tv+ b+++ D B--- e+++ u--(**$) h(----)
> !n y++++
Ah ha!
Try this one:  Dial up using N81 as you have in the past, but when the data
switch answers, DON'T hit the [ENTER] (or [RETURN]) key.
Instead, type a semi-colon (;).  This will make the switch respond in 8 bit
mode.  Then chose class V1.  Your download should be fine.
I've had numerous problems with class MIAVX1 as you described, but I use the
above solution now for all of my logins and downloads, at 14.4K, with extras
enabled.  No problems encountered.
Aaron D. Yonka
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