In article <1995Jan10.163643.36756@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Randy 'Lerxst' Kaelber) writes:
> In article <1995Jan10.145229.36746@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Aaron D. Yonka) writes:
>> Ah ha!
>> Try this one:  Dial up using N81 as you have in the past, but when the data
>> switch answers, DON'T hit the [ENTER] (or [RETURN]) key.
>> Instead, type a semi-colon (;).  This will make the switch respond in 8 bit
>> mode.  Then chose class V1.  Your download should be fine.
>> I've had numerous problems with class MIAVX1 as you described, but I use the
>> above solution now for all of my logins and downloads, at 14.4K, with extras
>> enabled.  No problems encountered.
> Okay, I do the semi-colon thing when I first connect (that signals Gandalf
> you're going in at 8 bits, or so I've been told), but I do use MIAVX1. I've
> problems in the past downloading binary files through v1, becuase v1 always
> used a 7-bit telnet connection to the VAX. Are you saying you're not having
> problems downloading binaries? If not, what kind of throughput are you
> through MIAVX1, I seem to crank about a maximum of 1500 cps. I imagine I'm
> top-ending the Gandalf to MIAVX1 connection, which is probably 19,200bps
> feel free to jump in here any time and correct me! :)  )
> So, does v1 now support an 8-bit telnet protocol? If it is, are you getting
> better transmission speeds? What is the aggregate speed of the network link
> between gandalf and v1? 10Mbps Ethernet? 100Mbps? 110bps paperclip chain?
> Enquiring minds want to know!
Um, use class v1, not MIAVX1 if you use the semi-colon method described above.
With Hilgrave's HyperACCESS/5 for OS/2 telecommunications software (the full
version, not HyperACCESS Lite for Warp), and my Practical Peripherals
PM14400FXMT modem, I get transfers of .ZIP files using MCUG's Z-modem program
with no errors, and throughput about 16000bps.
I'll let Kent fill in the gandalf and Alpha details, as I don't have a clue
what they are.
Aaron D. Yonka
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