In article <1994Dec30.235508.36309@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
>         I'm desperately looking for a Zmodem or Ymodem-G transfer proggy on
> Alpha that will allow multiple file transfers.  I get tired of typing in case
> INsensitively specific file names.  Especially when I snag Amiga FTP file
> that are over 15 characters long and VMS decides to add ambigous "$" in the
> file name.
>         I'm currently using ADYONKA public MCUG login.ocm "SZ" zmodem proggy.
> Thanks in advance.  (if anyone reads this ;(
I'm going to copy this message to mu.vms also. That is a much better
location for this discussion.
I don't understand how a different version of Zmodem or Ymodem-G will help
your problem.  VMS filenames will always be case insensitive regardless of
the transfer program you're using.  The extra $'s are VMS FTP's way of
telling you that it couldn't accurately reproduce the file name.  If you
want a better filename put it on the "get" command after the remote file
name.  For example,> get WierdCasedFilename.TxT vmsfilename.txt
This may help the problem somewhat.
Also, is there something special about Amiga filenames longer than 15
characters?  VMS should be able to reproduce these accurately as VMS's
filenames (and extensions) can be up to 39 characters in length.  VMS
filenames can't have more than 1 dot, are always uppercase, and can't
contain most special chararacters.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)