In article <1995Jan30.215843.38296@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Brian J. Bernstein) writes:
>   I'm having troubles with FINGER.. it gives me 4 system messages (ala
> (MIAVX1) MIAVX1 is a cluster.. )  and talks about putting a '%' in front of
> commands sent to MIAVX1..  uhh, I THINK it's not supposed to be doing this,
> is it? if so, how do you use it? I've tried commands like
> $ finger [log in to unmask]
>  and it doesn't work.. can't even finger the people on the vax
I assume that you're using the RSCS finger, not the TCP/IP finger.  Using
the command:
will give you the message:
  (MIAVX1) - MIAVX1 is the name of a group (VAXcluster) of the nodes
  (MIAVX1) - Send commands to a specific node or use a % in front of
  (MIAVX1) - commands sent to MIAVX1 to have them sent to all nodes.
The system has done this since last January when we purchased the Alpha.
This is because MIAVX1 is actually 3 different computers (OCEAN, SWAMP, and
SEA) and the SEND command doesn't know which computer you want to use.  If
you want a response from all 3 computers, use the command:
Since only OCEAN is running RSCS, it will be the only one to respond,
A better way to do a finger is to use the TCP/IP finger command.  Just use
the command:
It also sounds like you've got the FINGER command aliased to the SEND
command somehow.  Check your LOGIN.COM for a definition for FINGER.  If you
have one, you many want to remove it, log out, and then log back in.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)