In article <1995Jan1.223134.36342@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent
Covert) writes:
> In article <1994Dec30.235508.36309@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
>>         I'm desperately looking for a Zmodem or Ymodem-G transfer proggy on
>> Alpha that will allow multiple file transfers.  I get tired of typing in
>> INsensitively specific file names.  Especially when I snag Amiga FTP file
>> that are over 15 characters long and VMS decides to add ambigous "$" in the
>> file name.
>>         I'm currently using ADYONKA public MCUG login.ocm "SZ" zmodem
>> Thanks in advance.  (if anyone reads this ;(
> I'm going to copy this message to mu.vms also. That is a much better
> location for this discussion.
> I don't understand how a different version of Zmodem or Ymodem-G will help
> your problem.  VMS filenames will always be case insensitive regardless of
> the transfer program you're using.  The extra $'s are VMS FTP's way of
> telling you that it couldn't accurately reproduce the file name.  If you
> want a better filename put it on the "get" command after the remote file
> name.  For example,
>> get WierdCasedFilename.TxT vmsfilename.txt
> This may help the problem somewhat.
> Also, is there something special about Amiga filenames longer than 15
> characters?  VMS should be able to reproduce these accurately as VMS's
> filenames (and extensions) can be up to 39 characters in length.  VMS
> filenames can't have more than 1 dot, are always uppercase, and can't
> contain most special chararacters.
> --
>                                      Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
>                                      Miami Computing and Information Services
>                                      Miami University, Oxford, OH
>                                      [log in to unmask]
>                                      kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)
I think the problem the user is experiencing is as follows:
Let's assume I have a bunch of files in my directory that I want to download,
say ONE.TXT TWO.ZIP THREE.EXE FOUR.GIF and I want to download them using
Z-modem.  Let's also assume these are the only files in that directory. The
obvious solution should be
$ SZ *.*
but the Z-modem program does not accept the * wildcard, so it would seem.  The
only solution I've been able to use is
On Phoenix and on the NeXT's, UNIX allows us to
sz *
But is there a way to do this on the VMS version?
(Even if this is not what the user is wondering, I would love to know the
answer too!)
Aaron D. Yonka
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