In article <1995Feb4.195152.38776@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Kent
Covert) writes:
> If anything, the new version of Kermit should have sped up transfers (we
> increased the default packet size and increased the number of sliding
> windows).  I'm interesting in finding out what this problem is but I need
> more information.
>   What was the packet size before the upgrade compared to now?
>   Do you have a KERMIT.INI file in your account that might be modifying the
>     transfer parameters?
>   Does using the OLDKERMIT command make these problems go away?
>   You say that Kermit is slower now.  When is your reference point?  Before
>     Christmas break, during Christmas break, at the beginning of second
>     semester?
>   Does Kermit seem faster when the system is less busy?
Along the same line, zmodem downloads appear much slower this semester than
last semester, particularly when there are a large (say, over 100) users on the
Alpha.  For reference, I get about 14000 - 16000 bps transfer throughput when a
"small" number of users are logged in... same as last semester.  Otherwise, I'm
lucky to get 8000 bps.
These comparsions are for .ZIP files, and are with the same terminal software
and modem (14.4) on my end.  I am using the MCUG zmodem program, which hasn't
changed to my knowledge.
I don't know if this will help you find the problem with kermit, but it could
be of use, I suppose.
Aaron D. Yonka
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