Aaron D. Yonka ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: These comparsions are for .ZIP files, and are with the same terminal software
: and modem (14.4) on my end.  I am using the MCUG zmodem program, which hasn't
: changed to my knowledge.
Nope, MCUG one hasn't changed and probably never will,  ZModem isn't
public domain now so I'm using the latest version that was still pd.
With an excess of users online, however, it wouldn't be suprising to
see somewhat dramatic drops in transfers.
_________________________________________________       _  __   __  __
Michael G. Jones, [log in to unmask] |     / \/ _)/_  \/ _)
Systems Analysis, Miami University of Ohio       |    / - \(_  / - )(_
                                                 |   (_) (_)_)/|__/\__)
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