In article <1995Feb18.193924.39945@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Dan
Lottis) writes:
> Do any of you folks
> who call in to MIAVX1 use PROCOMM anymore?
Yah, well sort of... ProComm Plus for Windows...
> Any hints on PROCOMM and VAX session settings to
> get decent 'behavior' of editors and
> things like NETNEWS on screen?
Forget it. To my knowledge, Datastorm NEVER got all the bugs worked out of
their VT emulation in their DOS versions. The Windows version, however, behaves
quite nicely. At least, I've never had a problem with it! However, I just saw
the price of it at CompUSA today, and it's up to something like $130
bucks.IMHO, NO PC comm program is worth $130 a copy.
> Grateful for any help...
> Dan Lottis
Randy Kaelber, Subsistence Programmer.
My .sig automatically terminates threads because it mentions Nazis and Hitler.
GCS/MU d-- H s:+:++ g+++ p0 au? a- w+++ v++ C+++$ U->++++ P+ L 3 N+++ K++
W++(---) M-- V -po+ Y+ t+ 5+ !j R++ tv+ b+++ D B--- e+++ u--(**$) h(----) r+++
!n y++++