In article <1995Feb4.005336.38731@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(publik_defekt) writes:
> In article <1995Feb3.014754.38658@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
>> Has anyone else been experiencing downloading problems?
>> Kermit has been much, much slower lately and it seems as if it's
>> sending smaller packets.  and my terminal program can do nothing
>> about it.
>> I've been told to use Z-modem instead, but when I select "miavx1"
>> at hal, vax still doesn;t understand "sz".  I don't get it.
>> kim.
> Sure have.  I use Z-term and it tells me the efficeincy of the download and
> since they upgraded kermit, the eff. rate has dropped significantly.
> I've also noticed a drop in the packet size too.  It's been sending smaller
> packets, and I think this is a major reason why kermit is so slow.  I don't
> z-modem, but i'm thinking about trying it out for a while....
If anything, the new version of Kermit should have sped up transfers (we
increased the default packet size and increased the number of sliding
windows).  I'm interesting in finding out what this problem is but I need
more information.
  What was the packet size before the upgrade compared to now?
  Do you have a KERMIT.INI file in your account that might be modifying the
    transfer parameters?
  Does using the OLDKERMIT command make these problems go away?
  You say that Kermit is slower now.  When is your reference point?  Before
    Christmas break, during Christmas break, at the beginning of second
  Does Kermit seem faster when the system is less busy?
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)