In article <1995Jan5.153236.36465@miavx1>, [log in to unmask] (Aaron
D. Yonka) writes:
> In article <1995Jan1.223134.36342@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Kent Covert) writes:
>> In article <1994Dec30.235508.36309@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
>>>         I'm desperately looking for a Zmodem or Ymodem-G transfer proggy on
>>> Alpha that will allow multiple file transfers.  I get tired of typing in
>>> INsensitively specific file names.  Especially when I snag Amiga FTP file
>>> that are over 15 characters long and VMS decides to add ambigous "$" in the
>>> file name.
>>>         I'm currently using ADYONKA public MCUG login.ocm "SZ" zmodem
>>> Thanks in advance.  (if anyone reads this ;(
>> I'm going to copy this message to mu.vms also. That is a much better
>> location for this discussion.
>> I don't understand how a different version of Zmodem or Ymodem-G will help
>> your problem.  VMS filenames will always be case insensitive regardless of
>> the transfer program you're using.  The extra $'s are VMS FTP's way of
>> telling you that it couldn't accurately reproduce the file name.  If you
>> want a better filename put it on the "get" command after the remote file
>> name.  For example,
>>> get WierdCasedFilename.TxT vmsfilename.txt
        Sorry Kent I guess I should've been more specific?!  Anyhow, let's say
I do a Multi-file FTP transfer using MGET fileswith*.*, which I do quite often,
and would do more often if I didn't have the problem I'm going to further
explain.  Let's say I have 20 files in my directory and I want to download
them.  With the current Zmodem I can't use any wildcards say SZ *.* which would
alleviate a tremendous amount of time I currently spend waiting for a transfer
to end, and then I type in the next file name.  Like you stated the extra $'s
are the VMS FTP's way of attempting to reproduce a file.  Most of the files I
FTP originate as example; ThisisoneLong.file_name.lha (AMigaOS doesn't place
too many
stipulations on file names/length.  Other file types give me problems also)  So
this file comes into the VMS as something like;
        So the current SZ requires me to type this file name VERBATUM before
sending which is just a hassle, furthermore no multi-file transfers which is
one of the reasons to use a multi-file-transfer protocol isn't?  With some
initial thought computers are supposed to cut down on repetitive tasks, aren't
they?  HELP!
> I think the problem the user is experiencing is as follows:
> Let's assume I have a bunch of files in my directory that I want to download,
> say ONE.TXT TWO.ZIP THREE.EXE FOUR.GIF and I want to download them using
> Z-modem.  Let's also assume these are the only files in that directory. The
> obvious solution should be
> $ SZ *.*
> but the Z-modem program does not accept the * wildcard, so it would seem.
> only solution I've been able to use is
> On Phoenix and on the NeXT's, UNIX allows us to
> sz *
> But is there a way to do this on the VMS version?
> (Even if this is not what the user is wondering, I would love to know the
> answer too!)
> --
        DITTO...... ;)
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